

The High Commissioner for the Protection of Rights, Liberties and for Mediation was created by Sovereign Ordinance no. 4.524 of 30 October 2013.

The High Commissioner is an independent, public institutional mediation body. Its role is directly inspired from that of the “Ombudsmen” in charge of mediation and the protection of citizens’ rights in a large majority of European countries.

The services of the High Commissioner are free and available to any person:

  • who has a grievance with an administrative decision or with the functioning of an administrative department, or
  • who believes they have been the victim of unjustified discrimination within the Principality.

Claimants may however only call on the High Commissioner after they have unsuccessfully attempted to settle the issue at stake directly with the administrative department or establishment concerned.

The High Commissioner examines complaints referred to him/her in a neutral and impartial manner and makes recommendations for the attention of the bodies concerned

As a mediator, its role aims at resolving the difficulties put before him in a fair and peaceful way.

As a protector of rights and liberties, it can provide institutional support to the claimant for asserting his rights outside a formal legal process where, following examination, that person’s grievance is deemed justified.  

In addition to these roles, the High Commissioner also examines cases in which a citizen has been refused access to administrative documents and, where applicable, may consult the documents concerned on the citizen's behalf.

The High Commissioner may also issue guidance on matters relating to the protection of citizens' rights and freedoms, or on anti-discrimination matters, in cases referred to him/her by the administrative authorities (Minister of State, President of the National Council, Secretary of Justice or Mayor).