Public Notices of Bills

Notice dated of 17 May 2024

Notice dated of 07 May 2024

Notice dated of 25 March 2024

Notice dated of 14 February 2024

Notice dated of 22 December 2023

Notice dated of 22 November 2023

Notice dated of 07 July 2023

Bill n° 1078 adapting legislative provisions to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (Part II)

Notice dated of 20 June 2023

Bill n° 1074 on compensation for victims of sexual offences, crimes against children and domestic violence

Notice dated of 31 March 2023

Bill n°1073 on leave giving in the private sector

Notice dated of 10 March 2023

Bill n°1070 establishing a monegasque complementary persion fund

Notice dated of 07 December 2022

Bill n° 1054 on personal data protection

Notice dated of 18 July 2022

Bill n° 1031 amending some provisions of the Criminal Code relating to investigation and application for review in criminal matters

Notice dated of 18 July 2022

Bill n° 1030 on preliminary investigation and alternatives to prosecution

Notice dated of 06 May 2022

Bill n° 254 instituting the right to be forgotten in terms of bank loan insurance

Notice dated of 08 April 2022

Bill n° 1040 on the protection of patients’ health in treatment facilities

Notice dated of 23 September 2021

Bill n° 1036 on school bullying and violence bill

Notice dated of 20 September 2021

Bill n° 1034 relating to reworking or adding to some of the provisions in Act No. 1.357, dated 19 February 2009, defining the right to buy contract (“habitation-capitalisation”) in the state-owned housing sector

Notice dated of 06 September 2021

Bill n° 1043 introducing an obligation for certain categories of individuals to be vaccinated against Covid-19

Notice dated of 01 April 2021

Bill n° 1027 introducing reforms to the provisions on the criminalisation of sexual assault

Notice dated of 13 February 2020

Bill n° 895 overhauling the status of the State’s civil servants

Notice dated of 25 September 2019

Bill n° 999 on decriminalising abortion for pregnant women