Following the appointment of new members of the Data Protection Authority of Monaco (CCIN), a meeting took place between Anne Eastwood, the first High Commissioner for the Protection of Rights, Liberties and for Mediation, appointed by H.S.H Prince Albert II in March 2014, and Messrs Guy Magnan and Rainier Boisson, recently appointed as President and Vice-President of the CCIN respectively. The aim of this meeting was to foster mutual understanding and to develop links between the two institutions.
During the meeting, both the High Commissioner and the CCIN agreed on the need for dialogue and education in the exercise of their respective roles, to ensure that both their institutional contacts and the public understand the nature of their duties to protect rights and freedoms, and that they are able to fulfil their duty to protect individuals successfully.
Mrs Eastwood explained that, as High Commissioner, she intends to work closely with citizens with grievances against the administration, and to resolve the often contentious cases brought before her in a peaceful and fair manner. She expressed her hope that this new entity would help to foster public confidence in Monegasque institutions and facilitate administrative action by improving the quality of responses to users.
Messrs Magnan and Boisson, meanwhile, stressed the CCIN's desire to engage in more dialogue with all public and private actors within the Principality. In their view, personal data protection must not be viewed as a challenge, but rather as an opportunity for the Principality in terms of developing new electronic communications technologies that respect individual rights.
This meeting was the first step in an ongoing, long-term process of collaboration between the High Commissioner and the CCIN.

Shared commitment to dialogue with Data Protection Authority
23 October 2014