On Thursday 8 October 2015, around 20 Monegasque associations working on social and humanitarian issues attended a round-table discussion, at the invitation of the High Commissioner. The aim of this event was to provide these associations with more information about the High Commissioner's role and missions, and to explore potential synergies between the institutional activities of this new rights protection entity and the field-based activities of NGOs working with vulnerable populations in Monaco.
The associations attending the meeting learned more about the important role they play in terms of reporting specific or recurring problems facing the vulnerable groups they work with on a daily basis.
These morning discussion sessions also gave the High Commissioner an opportunity to meet with association representatives in person and learn more about their work. The association representatives in attendance also had a chance to meet with other associations, in some instances for the first time. The Association monégasque pour les personnes sourdes (Monegasque Association for the Deaf), for example, was founded just three months ago.
This first round-table discussion meeting was a genuine success. The High Commissioner will now continue to work directly with civil society representatives via regular meetings, thereby giving associations an opportunity to report specific issues in person and ensuring that they receive support in individual cases.
The High Commissioner would once again like to thank the many associations who accepted the invitation to attend this event.

Round-table discussion with Monegasque associations
08 October 2015